Marin 9 to 25 Press Release
For Immediate Release
June 10, 2021
Coalition to Engage Youths, Bridge Program Gaps
Goal is to improve outcomes for Marin residents aged 9 to 25
San Rafael, CA – The Marin County Probation Department has announced the launch of Marin 9 to 25, a collective impact coalition dedicated to realizing positive and equitable outcomes for youths age 9 to 25. The focus will be on increasing the availability and efficiency of early prevention programs and increased resources for all young people and their families.
Marin 9 to 25 is a new collective impact coalition dedicated to realizing positive and equitable outcomes for youths age 9 to 25.
Marin 9 to 25 is a new collective impact coalition dedicated to realizing positive and equitable outcomes for youths age 9 to 25.
The first meeting of the Marin 9 to 25 Steering Committee will take place online at 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 16, and community members, especially young people, are invited to register for the free event. Spanish translation and captioning will be available.
“Probation departments across the state are actively working to make positive changes to the juvenile justice system, but we know the best changes are those that result in youths never entering the system,” said Probation Chief Marlon Washington. “Our department is excited to be part of the leadership effort behind 9 to 25 initiative.”
The keynote speaker at the June 16 event will be Alex Briscoe, Principal of the California Children’s Trust. Other youth and adult presenters will discuss their respective programs, including Crisis Text Line, the RxSafe Marin Youth Action Team, and the School Works Initiative. Steering committee participants will be asked to actively engage in discussion and mapping exercises during the meeting.
“There is so much good work happening in Marin, but it would be more effective if it were more coordinated,” said Angela Nicholson, Assistant County Administrator. “The goal of 9 to 25 is to create a place to coordinate efforts and increase communication between groups that didn’t exist before while giving the young people a voice in the direction of these programs and what’s really needed at the ground level.”
The 9 to 25 Steering Committee plans to meet quarterly and is open to all members of the Marin community. The meetings will serve as a forum to share ideas, issues and opportunities related to the well-being of Marin youths. Recruitment for the Steering Committee is ongoing, and the coalition’s staff anticipates that at least 50% of Steering Committee members are youths age 9 to 25.